What if you could earn income, with your bedbug equipment every day, without ever killing a bug, by simply bringing out a few machines setting them up for an hour or two and then collecting instant payment in cold hard cash for your time*?
Does that sound too good to be true? I can assure you that it’s legit! We have successful Odor Removal business system users in almost every state in the Union, and International customers on four continents who are doing exactly that!
How does it work/ What is the Science behind the System?
Our machines make massive amounts of O3 gas also known as activated oxygen.
This incredible gas is a USDA approved Organic Sanitizer in both its aqueous and gaseous states.
In fact virtually all bottled, beverages that are sold today have been disinfected with this amazing GREEN technology!
What can Activated Oxygen do?
- It kills viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, germs, prions, odors, VOC’s, MVOC’s and much more!
- What’s best is it doesn’t cover up odors, or germs, it LITERALLY DESTROYS THEM!
- car dealerships - pet odors for kennels - smoke odors in smokers houses being listed for sale
- smoke odors in apartment - dog and cat urine - mold remediation,
- on boats - bio-hazard clean up - gymnasiums
- churches - high school equipment and locker rooms -mold odors ( in the attic, basements)
- hotel rooms - fish processing plants chemical spills -school locker rooms
- agricultural barns - flood and fire restoration industry -food odors and more........
The market applications are truly nearly endless.
Each and every week a new customer teaches me a never before considered, by me, use for ozone gas.
If your in Real Estate you may have heard the saying "houses that smell are hard to sell"
If you've ever been in the car sales industry the moniker is repeated, "cars that smell are hard to sell".
The same is true in the apartment rental field apartments that smell are hard to rent.
Since your clients will come from many walks of life the opportunities a nearly endless. This is a wide open new service business field with very little competition. It is a rare opportunity to "get in on the ground floor"!
How Does It Work? What Would I Actually Be Doing?
First and foremost you need to get every thing set up and start your advertising.
If you have apartment contracts that you currently service for pest control getting all of their odor removal business is a cinch. You see property managers and apartment owners know that odors can affect rent-ability of their units. Traditionally this means that they have been forced to rely on their olf favorurite standby tools paint and re-carpeting the unit. In units with high turnover rates this can be very costly. That's where you and your new equipment come in. Just one or two of your powerful new machines is enough to destroy virtually any airborne odor, and when you couple them with one of our powerful carpet deodorizing machines there are very few odors on planet earth that you can't make mincemeat of in short order.
That's right first, you have got to find a problem. What's next? You just locate a customer with an odor problem, (located from the above previous efforts), give them your price, get an agreement and then, drive to their location and set up the equipment and then go on about your day, while you are working, the equipment starts working on the germs and the odors with out any man hours of your own! That's all there really is to it, if you want you can even surf the internet or go get a cup of coffee, while you let the machines do all of the hard work! The only real physical labor involved is if you are offering the carpet sanitizing service, if so; you will have to don a protective respirator and use the carpet machine to go over the carpets just exactly the way we show in the videos. Nationwide many of our system owners are reporting charging a whopping $.12-$.25 per square foot for odor removal for a home or business and the average treatment time is less than 3 hours with only 15-25 minutes of actual labor for one man! Some of our customers prefer to charge set flat rate fees- this is not a franchise; since it is your equipment and your business, it's really up to you. Try both ways and let the market determine what is the best pricing plan. Our customers routinely get $75-$100 to remove smoke odors from cars so that the car dealerships can sell them easily, as if they were not smokers cars, but you can use them for so much more. You can use them for deodorizing and sanitizing kennels. They have been used for sanitizing chicken and swine barns. They are being used for dead body and bio-hazard clean up! They are being used at waste processing plants and more! The list goes on and on!
Our Machines use no chemicals, just ambient oxygen and the customers electricity and there is never anything to buy except the machines themselves and the licensing and marketing system, but only if you choose to invest in that portion!
Best yet, when the machines are turned off, there is no residue after about 2 hours all that’s left is PURE OXYGEN!
That’s right with little or no formal skills, no diploma, no degree, and no special talents, if you are ready to apply a little old fashioned elbow grease (that's work folks) and some honest promotional hustle you can buy our BEDBUG system today and start earning your fortune, soon after the system arrives. All it takes is the desire to want to earn for yourself and to want be your own boss coupled with the action necessary you need to start the log rolling down the hill.*
In fact, it’s possible for you to get the machines take them out of the box, go through our Odor removal training manuals up load the template website and get started, immediately.
In fact several of our customers including Larrie from the video above have reported after making a few phone calls that they started earning their investment back in the very first week*!
A few of our customers have even reported making back their entire investment in the very first few weeks! *
Results like this are NOT average, they are the direct result of applied information coupled with above average hustle*!
If you do nothing, you will earn nothing; keep in mind since you are your own boss it is up to you, no one will be telling you what to do anymore.
Whether or not you succeed or fail will depend on your actions, so if you plan on dreaming up your wealth with your new business it is definitely not for you, it will require actual effort.
If you do nothing and attract no customers all you'll have are awesome ozone machines sitting there gathering dust.
These machines can only be employed to earn income, and create financial freedom if they are being used!
The great news is the opportunities that are available are endless.
Any place where there are people, farm animals, or pets in high concentrations- there are opportunities to kill odor and destroy germs.
In fact, nearly every week, I myself, am exposed to a new use for O3 gas....
Recently I had a customer who has developed a successful business treating meerschaum pipes of all things at shows for collectors. That's right he built an ozone chamber and he charges to disinfect and deodorize prized collectible meerschaum pipes for money!
Just imagine what it would be life working for yourself, finally telling your boss to take that job and shove it! It can only happen with commitment dedication and desire.
When you buy our equipment and implement the sales system and apply the magic formula of commitment dedication desire and most importantly action, the magic starts to happen.
What do you get with the Odor Blasters™ System?
You get everything you need to get started. You simply select the equipment package that’s right for you. Invest in the Odor Blasters™ license and marketing system and you are off and running.
- You Get a Whopping 6 Amazing, Power-Hour Interviews with my top producing Ozone Odor Removal System Owners. (In these tell-all interviews we reveal their most closely guarded and powerful money making secrets. We cover all of the bases and leave nothing out- we literally go over everything that they are currently doing to make money using our powerful equipment systems. I get them to divulge their most guarded secrets and then go over their personal favorite tips and odor removal tricks. I also ferret out all of the markets that they personally target to earn their best cash opportunities.-a $900 value
I get ‘em to completely spill the beans. And since each of them are using the equipment in different ways and targeting different pieces of the market what it means to you is a powerful blueprint that you can copy and a road map you can use to find your own path to cash. Each of the Business owners is a character and they will teach you all you need to know to find those honeypots, the piles of cash in your community, that are in need of your services and are willing to pay you!)
You Get Your Very Own Complete Effective Powerfully Communicative Website built onto aPowerful Content Management System. This amazing website will allow you to add your personal details like your name and company name, as well as your logo and your personal detail, it will be easy to get it up and online to start selling your customers your new awesome services. What’s more this is not your average website it is a powerful sales tool and we are loading it up with massive social proof. It comes with customer testimonial videos from some of the best odor removal niches so that you can begin to market your services to them and start making money almost immediately. Then when you begin doing jobs and solving your own customers problems; we will teach you how to capture your very own social proof and your own powerful testimonial videos. This 1 secret alone is worth the entire course and I know I paid $10,000 to learn it at a secret seminar in Malibu California for elite business owners. These videos can then be upload to your own website with the content management feature and you will develop the high content score that can start to get the website ranking!
- You Get a Power Business Card TEMPLATE that will stand out from the pack and 5 Powerful Done for YOU Sales Postcards Written by One of the Countries TOP Copywriters. These powerful postcards are a SECRET WEAPON you can use to attract find and convert prospects into customers and to start the money coming in. As and added BONUS we will include a Professional Tri-Fold Brochure Template! - Over $2000 in Copywriting and Graphic Design Value!
- You Get access to our VIDEO LIBRARY with all of the tips tricks and installation secrets the BIG BOYS use to Destroy odors using our powerful equipment! - a whopping $800 value!
- You Get a once a month Teleconference with other Odor Blaster™ Pro's from around the world where we will tackle a unique topic every month. We will discuss our sales and marketing strategies, what's working and what's not. We will open the microphones to Q and A where will will answer questions about the specific challenges or areas of improvement you need help for in your business. These Teleconferences will literally guarantee that there is no challenge that cannot be overcome as you will be part of a much larger community of Odor Removal Contractors. The unique perspective and life experience each and every one of you will bring to the table is PRICELESS!!! Sometimes a tiny shift in perspective can be a real game changer, and open your eyes to new markets and opportunities. I am willing to bet that each and every months session will be worth the entire years License fee! -a $1200 Value!
That's a combined $6,900 Value!